Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a great weekend and you are ready to play and improve your strategies when playing chess.
Here I am posting the puzzles of the week. Remember to make a comment about them. Good Luck !!!
1. White to play and win in two moves.

2. White to play and win in two moves.

the first puzzle is impossible to win mister
anthony ros
nevermind first comment
Hi Mr.Diez I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you the ouzzles on time so here are the answers for the two puzzles
1.Qxh7+ 1.kxh7
1.Nf6+ 1.kh6
These puzzles were easy. But the first one was a bit challenging.
1.Qxh7+ 1.Kxh7
1.Nf6+ 1.Kh6
And my game is:
Nicholas Com.
White: Black:
1.e2-e3 1. e7-e5
2.Nb1-c3 2.d7-d5
3.Ng1-e2 3.Nb8-c6
4. g2-g3 4.Ng8-f6
5.Bf1-g2 5.Nf6-e4
6.0-0 6. Ne4xc3
7. b2xc3 7.Nc6-d4
8.c3xd4 8.e5xd4
9.e3xd4 9.Bc8-g4
10. Bc1-a3 10.Bf8xa3
11. f2-f3 11.Bg4xf3
12.Rf1xf3 12.0-0
13.Ne2-c3 13.Rf8-e8
14.Nc3xd5 14.Qd8xd5
15.Bg2-h3 15.Qd5xf3
16. Ra1-b1 16.Qf3xd1
17.Kg1-g2 17.Qd1xb1
18.d4-d5 18.Qb1-b3
19.d5-d6 19.Re8-e2+
20.Qb3-b1# 20.
-Nicholas Sanchez
HI Mr.Diez I had a good game I need to show you! here is the notation of the game I played today
White:Mike Lee Black:Mcmajesty (online user of chesspark
e4 e5
nf3 Bd6
Bc4 c5
c3 Nf6
Qb3 0-0
Ng5 Nd5
Bxd5 Qxd5
0-0 Nc6
d4 exd4
Bxg5 Ne5
cxd4 c4
Qg3 a6
dxe5 Bc7
Qc3 d6
Qxc4 Be6
Bxe6 Fxe6
Qxe6+ Rf7
Rc1 Bd8
Bxd8 Rxd8
Rc8 Rxc8
Qxc8+ Rf8
Qc4+ Kh8
Nc3 dxe5
Rd1 h5
Rd7 b5
Qc7 b4
Rxg7 bxc3
Rh7+ Kg8
Qg7# 1-0
Also you can visit to my website at http://chessking123.blogspot.com
Hi everyone I hope you all improve your chess skills and umm i forget
well good luck
when are we going to do with the 5 puzzles during christmas break?
what type of softwares do u have Mr.Diez?
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