Monday, March 18, 2013

South Regional Chess Tournament Report !!!

The South Regional Chess Tournament last Saturday hosted by the Title I Administration was a total success. There were a total of 390 students competing from more than 30 Schools. As usual it was very well organized and the kids, parents and Chess Teachers had a great time. The McMillan Chess Team got 3rd place missing 2nd place by just 1.5 points. 1st and 2nd places were for Rockway and Shenandoah respectively so Congratulations to all of them!!! The best ten teams per category were invited to compete at the District Championship on May 4th so the McMillan Chess Team will be present hoping to be within the best 5 teams of the County.

Here I am sharing some pictures of the Tournament.

Brian getting ready for the 1st Round. Brian finished in 9th place individually

Jerome waiting for his opponent who never showed up. Jerome scored a very important win in the last round vs. Shenandoah.

Ethan and Patrick were ready for the 1st round

Alicia was a little sick in the morning but she felt better after winning her 1st round.

Jesus was also ready for round #1.

Bernie was the rookie but he still got two wins for the team.  

Angel waiting for his 1st round

Some of the Parents waiting outside the playing room.

After one of the rounds just talking, playing chess and waiting for the next round.

Brian and Jesus analyzing a position

The Team getting the Trophy

The Team getting the Trophy

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Season 2012-2013

Welcome back to my "chess blog"

At this point the McMillan Chess Team is getting ready for the 2012-2013 Season. Five members of last year's team are coming back: Ethan, Jesus, Brian, Jerome and Patrick.
The Team is stronger than ever adding a few more members such as Alicia (First Female member of the team EVER) and a couple more players: Angel (coming from Gateway Middle) and the youngest player Bernie.
The next Tournament will be on March 16, 2013 and we will be facing all teams from the Miami Dade South Region so the key will be playing better against Shenandoah and Rockway which are the strongest two teams in the South. Let's see what happens.
I will be back after March 16 to make comments about the Tournament. Good Luck to the McMillan Chess Team.