White to play, mate in one move:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
WELCOME McMillan Chess Team
1. List all the pieces of a chess game along with their value.
2. List three strategies to follow when your opponent is attacking one of your pieces.
3. Solve the following puzzle. White to move and mate in one
Monday, March 10, 2008
Puzzles of the Week 3/10/08 to 3/14/08 !!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
McMillan 2nd Tournament Results Unexpected !!!
Q: Which mayor changes occurred in the Tournament?
A: The first change was the inclusion of two computers opponents in the Tournament, Seth (707) and Miranda (1154), the second change was reducing the amount of rounds going from 13 to 7 rounds only, and the last change was the rating of the Tournament, it means everyone was rated.
Q: Why the Results were unexpected?
Q: What was the Final Standing and what is the new ELO of everyone?
A: The Final standing and ELO of everyone is the following: 1st Miranda 1005, 2nd Mike Lee 1000, 3rd Nathan Larrea 952, 4th – 6th Roy Anania 925, Seth (computer opponent) 915, Donovan Garcia 925, 7th – 9th Jorge Hernandez 912, Anthony Tabbitas 912, Anthony Ros 912, 10th – 13th Aaron Guanch 885, Oscar Anchia 899, Jonas Navarro 885, Nicholas Sanchez 885, 14th Antonio Marti 877, 15th Adam Ashby 825 and 16th Rene Torres 817.
Q: What’s next for the Chess Team?
A: Study more and Get ready for the next Tournament.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
South Regional Chess Tournament
Jorge Hernandez playing in the 5th round. In the back Roy Anania also playing.
Jonathan Ochoa playing in the 5th round also.
Anthony Ros getting ready for the last round.
Roy Anania playing the 4th round. This was Roy's first victory.
With the "Panther Logo" on the back of his T-Shirt, Mike Lee played the 4th round while Nathan Larrea was again playing next to him.
Here Jorge Hernandez was getting ready to win his second game.
And finally I couldn't leave the Tournament without taking a picture with two of the most important Teachers - Chess Players - Friends, who I personally admire so much for their work and for what they do to help the kids learn this beautiful game. From left to right GM Renier Gonzalez, Marco A. Diez (McMillan Chess Teacher) and Andy Ramos (District Chess Coordinator)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A great 2008 !!!
Secondly I want to congratulate Mike Lee and Anthony Tabbitas for their result in the last MICA Tournament celebrated at Rockway Middle School. Mike Lee ended with 3.o points while Anthony ended with 1.5, both after 5 rounds. Good job !!!
And what comes next?, the South Regional Chess Tournament on January 26; with hundreds and hundreds of students every year, the South Regional is by far the most important Tournament of the year. Everyone wants to participate and the "McMillan Chess Team" is one of them.
Mike Lee, Anthony Tabbitas, Nathan Larrea, Anthony Ros and Jorge Hernandez are ready for the action on January 26 while a few more players are still thinking about participating. Aaron Guanch, Jonas Navarro and Nicholas Sanchez are possible candidates, so hopefully these 8 members of the team will be facing students from all over the District showing and implementing all they have learnt so far of this fabulous game, sport and art; that we call "chess".
What are my predictions for the South Regional?. If only 5 students participate, I will predict to get from 12 to 15 points as a Team; and if all 8 players participate I will predict around 20 points. I will keep you posted on that.